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My poor baby has pneumonia! He's been sick since Sunday afternoon and I have no idea how it started. He was absolutely fine that whole morning and then he took a nap and after waking up that's when his fever decided to spike up. Seriously, has this happened to any of your children? I feel so bad and helpless because no matter what we do he's just not feeling good and there's not much we can do but have him rest and wait for the medication to work. He was rushed to the E.R by Monday morning and they told us to follow up with his pediatrician, but they said it was just a virus going around right now. Virus!?! he continued to be sick and his fever had been going up and down from 100.0 - 103.8!! That's fucking scary to think that my child could pass out at any minute because his fever was so high.
By the time it had reached Thursday and the lack of sleep that Sean and I had we definitely knew Ryu was just way too sick and had to go back to the Dr. However, this time we took him back to see his pediatrician. She listened to his chest and told me that he was wheezing and wasn't sure if that was a new symptom or if was already brewing since Sunday. We took him to get an x-ray and mind you I was a nervous wreck! I could not wrap my mind around Ryu being this sick. I was upset that the E.R didn't manage to take an x-ray from the beginning. When the results came in it was affirmative that Ryu's right lung was full of fluids and has pneumonia. He's back at home now resting and had to go back to the Dr today for a follow-up. He's on antibiotics and wasn't admitted but we have to keep an eye on him. We also shouldn't kiss him, share food, or drinks with him at this time. I even went all out and washed his sheets and clothes to make sure that it doesn't spread. I also decided to sweep and mop our floors at home just to make sure it's clean. I'm still on a cleaning spree to make sure that nothing spreads because we can't afford to be sick.
It's so scary having a kid this sick. Ryu's been sick before but never this intense. I almost fell into tears because I wasn't even sure what the fuck it was to begin with.
Of course I googled it like what some parents end up doing: Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus, causing cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills and difficulty breathing. A variety of organisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi, can cause pneumonia.
Pneumonia can range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening. It is most serious for infants and young children, people older than age 65, and people with underlying health problems or weakened immune systems.
Antibiotics and antiviral medications can treat many common forms of pneumonia. - MayoClinic.com
I know that Ryu will be okay in no time, but as of right now I don't even want him going outside and getting worse. I just want my little man to feel better soon!
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