Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Update and Review - Gardening


I want to share with you my mini review and experience with SeedsNow. A few weeks ago I purchased these sample seeds from SeedsNow.com. At first I was hesitant because I was reading that if you are a beginner with gardening it probably is not best that you plant seeds. It is better to go with something that is already grown and learn to care for it first. Then I was bouncing from different gardening blogs and came across this guy (I apologize I forgot his blog) who has been gardening and he lives in a small apartment. He talks about how he makes it work and how he cares for his plant. He had great reviews and points for SeedsNow and it led me to try out a few sample packs.

As mentioned I was hesitant at first because I was not sure why the 3 previous plants that I bought from Lowes did not seem to be getting any love. They were watered twice a day to avoid getting dehydrated, but parts of it seem to die. It was not recently did I see that there are new blooms and I just need to continue cutting off the weeds. I shelled out the $5.00+ for shipping and handling to try out these samples. I received a free sample of the buttercrunch lettuce and decided to try that out first. In the beginning I did not notice it at all. The packages have labels that tell you approximately how long it would take for it to sprout.

This is the work of about 2 weeks if not more or less. I do the same thing that I have with the other plans and water it twice a day. You wouldn't believe how thrilled I was that even as a beginner I was able to achieve this and so far no bugs have been around it. I am going to move it to a bigger pot and add some compost with egg shells to avoid any creepy crawlers in the future.

I copied this off their site about who they are:

Growing your own ORGANIC & NON-Genetically Modified (NON-GMO) food isn’t hard to do. Seriously. It's not.  In fact, it's actually pretty easy

They are very big about their seeds being GMO free. So I would have to say that their shipping and handling is great. The samples come in these small ziploc bags with a label and the expectant time to see the seedling sprout. I would absolutely recommend them! The prices are not bad at all. If you are hesitant you should purchase a few samples to try out. I purchased a few samples and shipping for 7-10 business days was $1.95. You could pay the $5.00 if you want it to get to you in 3-4 business days.

I am not big when it comes to writing reviews, but I wanted to share about my gardening experience with seeds. I feel a little more confident about the garden I am trying to grow. Fall will be coming and I am doing a bit more research on the types of veggies and herbs I can grow during that type of weather.

It may take some time to grow and I know that I am just starting out, but my main goal is to have healthy produce grown in our little garden. This will save us lots of money in the long run if all works well. That means that we do not have to constantly buy tons of produce every time. I know that we would have to continuously grow a lot of it to be able to really save money, but at least this gives me an idea of what to expect and how long to expect it. I ordered a few more seeds and I can't wait to get them. I am in the market to find bigger containers to grow them in.

As far as my gardening is concerned I feel like they are doing swell! I love that I get to go outside everyday and stare at them for a few minutes. I get to glance at the new sprouts and just admire the beauty of it. I am no pro, but I bet you can tell that I am a beginner. I am so happy about the smallest sprouts and I am determined to continue. I didn't think that this would be something that I would be interested in since I am not the type of person that enjoys getting down and dirty.

Yesterday I decided to buy a few more samples. They are different varieties of herbs and chilli's. I haven't bought more than just the samples because I want to see if it is something that I want to grow a lot of. I want to be able to sample and get my hands dirty with what I have before committing.   I am going to purchase bigger containers to transfer the plants once they get bigger. Sean and I went to Lowe's last night and bought a few more items for me to get the other seeds started. I am excited to start seeing them sprout! Some of them will take 2-5 days for us to see the sprout and the rest will take about 7-14 days.


They look a bit messy because I just watered them, but I am so happy to see these little boxes all filled up. This weekend I am going to get a few more plants and I am going to make sure I document everything!


  1. So cool to read that you ended up liking gardening:) I've tried to garden before, and bought seeds and all that, but alas, it wasn't a success.

  2. We grow everything in our garden from seed, it's much more economical that way not to mention it's a tremendous sense of pride to see the process from a seed to full blown plant. Keep at it!

  3. How exciting, a post on gardening! We also have been planting few herbs (Thai related) in our backyard in Oregon. I hope they are still ok while we are traveling in Spain for awhile. Oregon rains a lot, so it should be ok! I realized the herbs stayed strong and grew in a big pot of soil rather than in the grounds, it was a lesson that we've learned. Awesome on the chilis, I love them!

  4. I am the absolute worst at making anything grow ever but maybe I could start off with a little herb plant?

  5. How wonderful! I have a black thumb and have killed or had racoons eat anything I have tried to plant!

  6. @Emmy: I have tried gardening before but nothing that was edible. I had one plant that lasted and stayed with me for a year. Then I just started to neglect it. After that I just didn't feel like gardening anymore. However, now that I am older I feel like it's something that is fun to do. To be able to see the progress is the greatest part of it.

  7. @Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl: I love it! Though my other plants will take a few weeks to see any type of sprout I do see a lot of progress in the little itty bitty alfafa sprouts growing and it brings me tons of joy! I love that I can see that I am doing well. I never thought that this would be something I would be into. I always paired gardening up to old women (since I only knew old women and men that gardened) but really its awesome!

  8. @veganmiam.com: I am hoping to grow some Thai chilies. I actually just saw that my grandmother is moving and she has a huge amount of chillies growing in her back yard in pots and I want to take them!

    Once I do I will be posting pictures.

  9. @elle sees: To be honest I didn't think I had a green thumb either. I am sure that you can grow a bunch of plants easily!

  10. @rooth: You should start with basil. During my research they say Basil that is already grown (usually sold at your gardening and hardware store) should be a plant to start with. The reason being is because Basil starts to die if it is not watered, but once it is it starts to replenish itself. It's a good way to train yourself when you start gardening.

    I started with Basil and failed. However, I tried once again and bought cilantro and red onion along with it. So far its doing well.

  11. @Davida @ The Healthy Maven: I have never seen a raccoon haha. I hope we don't have any in the area. I had also added egg shells to the compost to keep bugs away.

    I too thought I was bad with gardening but persevered to try twice more before getting the hang of it !

  12. our spring was pretty crazy & i had 2, 6 wk classes so i was bad on planting this year. this weather has been so crazy!
