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Our kitchen now is not this bare, but looking back at this picture it was much cleaner (haha). When we first walked into this place the kitchen was the first room I fell in love with. It's not a super big kitchen, but it is a huge upgrade compared to our previous one. We seriously got lucky with this place because even if rent was a little bit above our budget, it was worth getting. We have seen another apartment prior to this one and even placed an application in, but we didn't snag it. I guess you can say that there was a real reason for not getting that other place.
I will add more pictures of our place once it slowly starts to come together. I also just started blogging again and I'm still trying to figure out and remember how to use Wordpress.
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These pictures were taken a good month ago before we got situated. I have to take pictures of how our place looks now. I want to take pictures of how our place will slowly evolve into what we call home. I also want to post the dining table that Sean made for our place. The table he made is absolutely awesome and we found a tutorial online. I'll post it all together once I get a picture of it so you can all see the process and the breakdown of what we spent. I am lucky that Sean is quite the handyman because the dining table that I originally wanted was $900.00 at World Market. He made me the same exact replica of the table and only cost us $120.00 in lumber and materials. I am in love with our dining table even though it's not 100% finished. The fact that I got my barn style dining table for a fraction of what it would have cost me to purchase it made makes me extremely happy. I'll post more about the DIY projects we do here at home once I get to it.
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