Sunday, September 1, 2013

Coffee Mondays - Labor Day!

It's time for another round of Coffee Monday. Not sure how many of you get a long weekend, but I'm one of those people that gets to enjoy this Monday off.

  • First off I am glad we get a 3 day weekend. Although, I am not looking forward to how busy it is going to be on Tuesday. I am sure that we will be extremely busy with tons of mail, paperwork, and files to process.

  • I spent most of my weekend with my friend Erika. It has been a fun two days with her. On Saturday we had lunch and we went to Lowes and got me some gardening products. We also had a nice lunch at Los Toros. Spent time talking about work, family, friends, and life. It's nice to be able to have another friend in my life that I can trust and be 100% comfortable with. It has been a while since I had spent time with someone doing something we enjoyed and being able to have fun without alcohol being involved, ha.

  • My garden has grown incredibly over the weekend. I am currently obsessed with gardening and have spent tons of money getting my mini garden together. I ordered more seeds, bought more potting items, and have enjoyed every minute I got to spend in my little area outside. I only say this because I was willing to be out in the sun and get down and dirty just for these babies. I think that the love and care shows each day as these little buds start to blossom.

  • Erika and I tackled our first DIY together. It's nothing fancy, but I am going to post more about it sometime this week. I am excited to tackle on more projects with her and Sean. Now that I am slowly budgeting my paycheck I can invest in something that benefits my family, our home, and most importantly it makes me happy. With so many bills I have always been stretching my budget to get by, but it is nice that I am able to take a little part of what I have left over and do something I enjoy.


  • The picture above is of Erika. This is a little sneak peak of what we made. I am going to open a new category of my blog dedicated to the DIY projects that I tackle.

  • My plants are doing wonderfully and I am excited to also open a section of my blog dedicated to gardening in a small area. I want to be able to write about how it is possible to grow organic produce in a small area of your home. Whether it is a balcony, a patio, or even indoors it is possible to do it!


Don't forget to link up and join me on Coffee Mondays!


  1. love it! I esp love your garden; i wish our weather was more stable so that i could grow my own herbs!

  2. Sounds like the perfect weekend! I can't wait to hear more about your gardening adventures. I wish I was a better gardener than I am, but maybe I can pick up a few tips from you! :) I hope you have a fabulous Labor Day! Yay three day weekends!

  3. You plants look amazing! Want to come work on my garden? I'll pay you in baked goods ;)

  4. What a lovely weekend! Your plants are looking awesome, it's amazing to see their progress.

  5. glad to hear you had such a productive weekend! Your plants are looking great!

  6. @kathy @ vodka and soda: Fall is starting here soon. Well technically Fall should be starting but with our California weather it's as if it is still summer. It is scorching hot or humid outside. Once it starts to get cold and windy I have to get a mesh to cover up the plants so they do not frost over.

    This is the first time I am doing this so I don't know much yet, but I am hoping to write my experiences with it. Hopefully I can teach or help someone learn a few things or two.

  7. @Alex@Veggin' Out: I just started gardening but made sure I did my research with starting a garden. However, I hope that you could post a few things that you garden in the future as well. I'd love to see it. I am sure I'll be able to learn a lot from you as well.

  8. @Davida @ The Healthy Maven: If we were neighbors I would totally take you up on that offer. This weekend I helped my friend get her seedlings together.

    She has a small balcony and was not sure where to start so I did it for her, ha. Now hopefully she can keep up with clipping and watering the plants.

  9. Thanks! Every morning I water them and then I come back out to take pictures. I want to make some type of time lapse video of them growing. I think that would be cool. However, I'd make it with pictures.

  10. @laura: Thanks! I am so happy to see them get bigger each day.

  11. Looks like you got quite a green thumb! And I can't wait to see more of your DIY projects.

  12. That sounds like a nice weekend. I can only grow vegetables, but other people tell me gardening is a good hobby. When I was a teenager, I used to enjoy hanging out with the lady next door when she was gardening. Maybe you'll get a shadow like she did. :)

    PS - I had two good friends in my late teens early twenties. We did a lot together. But then all they wanted to do was drink. I had other things to do and we drifted apart. I think it was for the best.
